söndag 22 januari 2012


going ninja on bieber haters.


Saying "Justin" or "Bieber" more than once EVERYDAY.


followed Justin on twitter ♥


putting hundreds of random songs on your iPod, but only ever listening to JB.


Turning the volume up full blast when you hear justins songs on the radio.


You know you're a belieber when you find things that remind you of Justin in almost every situation.


Swag, Purple, Canada, Talent, Amazing, Small Town, Hair, Lips, Eyes, Guitar, Concert, Shawty, are more than words..


when you hear someone say justin's name and you automatically turn around like it's your own name.


Whenever you make a new friend, the first thing you ask them is "Do you like Justin Bieber?"


*Call from unknown number.* Normal people: "I?ll just hit ignore." Me: "Maybe it's JUSTIN BIEBER! HELLO?!"


when you buy a magazine just for a single poster of Justin


Hearing the name Justin Bieber on the TV in a different room & running to the room like your life depended on it.


The moment when you're typing, and you type 'justin' instead of 'just'



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