lördag 4 februari 2012

My idol

i know how busy you must be, well actually i have no idea but i can only imagine. through it all you always find time for us fans no matter what your always giving us everything you possibly can and you probably have heard a thank you, but i’m not saying it with “i love you” or “your amazing” i just want to say the two words thank you. i have never in my sixteen years of being here seen a “star” “celebrity” “famous person” or young man as dedicated as you are and as down to earth, caring, and honest to his fans. its truly unbelievable, and incredible. 

as far as us fans are concerned money and fame isn’t the main priority in your eyes, your family, friends, music and us are <3 and that is something that truly makes each and every one of our hearts fall for you. you have helped so many girls of all ages come together and not only support you but each other justin. here on twitter sure one second we are talking about you and how much we love you but the very next we are all sending tweets to someone who said simply said they are having a terrible day. that person wouldn’t have had all that support and uplifting people if it wernt for you bringing us together. we come together as one to get something trending or even to help get you to simply follow someone because little things like that make a girls entire life and who wouldn’t want to help do that? i have never seen a group of fans so united as one to help a “star” young man and each other.

your story has inspired people of different ages to follow there dreams and never give up. all the time here on twitter i see “remember what justin said never lose hope” each word you speak, each piece of advice you give out helps and guides someone someway. i cant even begin to imagine the kind of feeling that could give you to be able to do that for people. you often ask why we think this and feel this, well your answer is because you are you justin and when you set aside your good looks and charming smile we all can see the personality that lies right beneath the handsome face, someone who respects himself and every other person in his life, someone who would give up anything to help a devastation, someone who would jump in front of a bullet for his family, someone who would give to someone in need, someone who never forgets where he came from, who was there with him, and who he is, someone who never stops giving, someone who never forgets god, someone who doesn’t take what he has for granted, someone who thanks the people around him for what he has, someone who never forget the people who got him here, someone who to us is our hero.

another huge thing you have given us fans is your music, the chance to relate to someone just like us, the chance to have everything we feel out in the open, the chance to know we are not the only ones who feel that way, a chance to remember who we are, a chance to remember to never give up, a chance to remember who we love. to us fans your songs are not just words put with music they are feelings being expressed through a melody. to each and every individual fan the song means something that could possibly change there life, an example is “never say never” the song truly sends out a message…a meaning and we saw that and now i see tweets daily about how that song helped someone someway or it changed there point of view on things. although the song was written for “karate kid” it sent a sensation through every fan of you reminding them to never give up and to well never say never. for a lot of fans your songs help get them through a rough day or a sad time in there life. maybe even just a breakdown out of no where your music is like a healer for so many of us. i know there are people who have it worse that me but at the end of every bad day that i have i can crawl into bed listen to your voice and talk to your fans and feel like my normal upbeat self and for that i want to thank you. 

i cant say this goes for all fans because of different religions but for me at least i find it amazing and inspirational how you always keep god in your thoughts and through everything you always know he’s by your side. through you so many people who never once thought twice about god now have faith, i only wish i had the opportunities that you do to offer so much to the world. its heartwarming to know you are not just trying to put an image to the public to look better but because its truly who you are and how you were brought up and for that i thank ms. pattie, she has done a incredible job of raising a young man like you. i have never had kids or raised them but i know it cant be easy and she deserves all the credit she can get. hearing the stories about your mom and how strong she is makes me want to meet her for so many reasons. if i had the chance to meet her knowing you wouldn’t be there i would take it in a heartbeat and take the chance to ask her the questions i have always wanted to. i don’t know why i feel so strongly about talking to here about life situations and god but i feel like she is someone who would care. she’s an amazing woman and not only is she blessed to have you as a son, you are blessed to have her as the beautiful mother she is. you never fail in any way in giving her the love, care, and respect she needs and deserves and we admire that so much. you show us that even though your parents can get “annoying” or you might “bump heads” with them in the end they are your biggest fan and out of anyone they will never give up on you no matter what.

you treat each fan with honesty and respect and we couldn’t be more blessed to have someone like you to look up too as our role model, you make each and every one of us feel as if we know you personally and you care for us just as much as we care for you if not more. with everything you have going on in your life you still find time every single day to tweet and let your fans know whats up. i want to know one other artist that has ever been so dedicated to their fans like you are. i sure cant think of any and if you can please let me know, because to put complete strangers people you have never met and some you never will a first priorities in your life is simply mind blowing to me and it stands out in unexplainable ways. you make us know that you would do anything for us and that you will never forget us and always be right by our side while we stand by yours so once again thank you.
justin, the way you give back in this world is extraordinary and i hope one day i can give back the way you have. i’m truly blown away by the steps you have taken and the direction you have gone. you are someone to be proud of and im thankful that us fans have someone so giving and loyal to look up to. it’s so amazing that you can make one simple tweet to have millions of people suddenly donating money to a cause and watching the money go up by the second. being teenagers we always want but to give is a whole different feeling and it’s the most amazing feeling ever, im sure you know that more than i do but some day i will do the same and i will make a difference in this world like you have. my entire life that has been my wish but to see you actually prove it can be done gives me so much inspiration. so many kids have needed to see this kind of uplifting change that the world needs and you have done more than enough to spread that message. thankyou for being the role model that we all have needed. i believe god put you on this earth to make a change and you havnt stopped yet justin, and i hope you never do. <3 
i would like to congradulate you on your movie never say never i know you have gotten amazing reviews and review but from a fan to you. i don’t know you justin and i may never find out who you are. but i do know your story and i hope that people of all ages around the world take it in the way i did and see that underneath this pop star is a seventeen year old guy who seems to be pretty amazing and is living his dream each and everyday and that no matter how big your dream is, if you strive for it all things are possible. 

i could sit here and go on forever but i know you don’t have time for a whole book so i am going to close up my letter now hoping that now you understand why us fans find you to be our role model, hero, and inspiration. why we look up to you each and every day and why we will always support you though it all. i also hope you know and understand how thankful us fan are for you.

so one last time from the bottom of mine and every other justin bieber fans heart thank you justin for everything you have given to us fans and going out of your way to make anything and everything possible for us. always remember how much we love you, and we will always support you and your decisions. good luck to you and your family for the years to come, we will always be right here when you need us. <3

Anyway, I’ve learned to stick up for myself and what I believe in… because of him. He’s taught me. I know that there will always be people who don’t like you but you shouldn’t let that get in the way of your happiness. Look at him. He gets so much hate and yet still finds a reason to smile and love the world, even the haters.

I think people forget that he’s only 17. 
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
i love justin drew bieber, dont care what people say <3
Älskar justin drew bieber <3 älska älska älska <3

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