onsdag 22 februari 2012

This boy right here is called Justin Drew Bieber he might just be another teenage singer to you but to me he is a hero, a role model, my everything. Along with 17 million other people I have fallen for Justin. But I don’t just like him because, he is 'popular' because he is hot, because he’s so talented. I love him for him&I know you’re probably like you don’t even know him, I don’t care if he doesn’t know I exist that may mean I don’t know him, but I feel like I know him. I know it’s weird. I am weird, but I mean there is sooo many reasons for you to like Justin I mean yeah there is his looks, his talent but also he is so kind hearted he gives so much to others, just because he buys something for himself doesn’t mean he is ‘big headed’ or ‘self-centered’ because he gives more than he takes. Everyday he wakes up thankful for where he is today. He knows whos got him here. He won’t ever forget his beliebers, even if he tried to he couldn’t we are ALL tattooed on his heart. Sometimes I have days were I feel like I can’t go on days were I just want to give up because I feel like I’m ’not good enough’ & that no one cares but then I look at my poster, watch Justin video’s/interviews, read his books&I feel better. I instantly get a smile on my face he always makes me 100% better. I don’t know where I’d be or what I’d do without Justin. He has changed my life in so many good ways. Everyone is like ‘you won’t like him in 5 years” the truth is I think I will I’ve stuck by him since 2009. This is the 3rd year with him in my life&He’s just made my life better in so many ways. He’s touched the heart of 17million in alot of different ways. What I want to say is THANKYOU JUSTIN DREW BIEBER. for everything♥ please don’t ever leave.♥´

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