söndag 21 oktober 2012

Chapter 1

Hejhej! Tänkte börja med en Liten ''Historia'' hära , på ungefär 6-12 delar kanske, Om ni inte vill ha mer.
Så här kommer den! Denna kommer vara mycket sorlig!
Och ja skriver på engelska för det är det jag är bäst på. Och om den blir bra så postar jag den även på qoutev

Chapter 1 - Would you ever?

I stared down at my feets as the cold wind made me shiver.
i was sad, im always sad. I just stopped showing it .
Not to bother my friends.
They Don't love me. I knew that.
they just pretended becuse they didn't want me to End my life.
i walked down the street with my headphones playing ''Drift''

''Escuse me?'' a voice said.
i looked up and saw a long girl with long hazel hair.
i gave her a look to go on.
''What's the time?''
I smiled at her, one of those small weak smiles.
''Its 3am'' i said politly walking away.
I almost tripped at an icy spot and smiled at myself becuse i was so goofy.
I just finished my homework at school and was going home,
my parent's are divorced. i didn't see my mum anymore,
She leaved me and Dad for some ritch dude, Im not even allowed to call her,
She's a drug addict and she has a bad influence on me dad says.
He's trying the best he can to keep me happy, but he's depressed, Like me.
but he takes it out on alcohol. He's drunk all the time..
Since he got diagnosed with cancer im taking care of him,,
Like making dinner, and all those stuff.
i stared blankly at my front door and walked inside throwing my jacket aside.
oh my name?

Yoline, Yoline Wynder.

Its weird right?

I walked into my room and sat down on my bed.
god its cold in here!
I looked around and found a blanket,
i wrapped it around my freezing body and walked to the kitchen, i pured some water and drank it,
as i walked in the livingroom my dad groaned ''Were have you been?''
''At school doing my homework dad'' i said staring at him.
god damn it! He's drunk again.
I walked over staring blankly at him saying ''Please stop dad?''
I took the bottles and walked to the kitchen pouring it all out in the sink.

the blanket slid to the floor and revealed my wrists.
i looked at them as tears formed in my eyes.
Everytime i look at my wrist i get reminded that...
Im depressed.
Im ugly.
Im worthless.
Nobody loves me.
yeah..all my problems.
I sat down and sobbed into my knee.

I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.
Everyday i gets harder. Everyday it's like a nightmare progressing on.
Everyday is another prayer echoing from my bones asking god to take me now.
 Everyday i close up more.
 Everyday it gets more impossoble.
Everyday i feel myself die some more.
 Everyday i lay on my bed Wondering how i'll leave this hell.
 i've never felt so much pain.
You don't know what it's like to feel so unwanted.
You don't know what i'ts like to feel so worthless.
 You don't know what it's like to feel so ugly.
 You don't know what it's like to feel so low
you don't fucking know..

Taaaaack! Vad tyckte ni? Chapter 2 imorgon ! Kramkram!

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