lördag 13 oktober 2012

Omegle short story! (Jag & Nån annan Stranger lol)

Stranger: Hi my name is Sierra Tomlinson... I Am Louis's Daughter but he left Eleanor before she could tell him that she was pregnant with me... Well today i am going too there meet and greet So this should be fun.. (This is a roleplay, Your Louis)

You: should i start?

Stranger: (i'll start)

You: okay go!

Stranger: It was my turn '' Hi'' I said being sassy me.. i look like my mother except for my eyes... I have his eyes

You: i was sitting at the Meet & Greet, i wasnt really paying attention at what was happening, ''Hi'' i looked up and saw a Girl, familiar, ''Hello love'' i said smiling.

Stranger: ''Don't call me love'' i snapped

You: ''Don't call me love'' she snapped at me, I looked at her with wide eyes, as suprised as i was, ''Oh im sorry'' i looked at harry with a Confused look as he did the same ..

Stranger: "Can i ask you something?''

You: i Looked at her with confusing and smiled a bit nervous, ''Yeah sure''

Stranger: ''Do you know you have a daughter?

Stranger: ''

You: I couldn't believe what i just heard, ''No i dont have a Daughter'' I looked down at the ground thinking I can't have a daughter.

Stranger: ''You have.. she was born like 15 years ago...'' (there NOT that old! everything is possible in a role play)

You: i looked over at the lads with a 'who the hell is she to ask me these questions look' ''Im sorry but i Dont have a daughter, ill sign you're papers and then you'll just Go on, we have more Fans to meet'' i said to her trying to sound as nice as i could.

Stranger: ''Okay, could you sign this? with my last name at the end?''

You: i took her paper and asked with a smile ''Sure , whats you're name?''

Stranger: ''Sierra.. Sierra Hope Tomlinson''

You: i wrote down Sierra as i waited for her last name, ''Sierra Hope Tomlinson'' I dropped my pen, Looking up at her, ''Wh-what?'' I Stuttered.

Stranger: ''I told you.. you have a daughter''

You: I looked at paul saying ''give us a minute'' i pulled her aside as the other lads continued with the M&G's ''How could this happen??'' i said trying to sound calm. i was about to blow up on the inside.

Stranger: ''You leaved my mom before she had a chance to tell you'' I said

You: ''this can't be happening'' i said...

Stranger: ''Well it is'' i said looking at him

You: ''Why didn't she tell me'' .. ''im sorry, i can't handle this, not now, not today.''

Stranger: ''She thought that if you leaved you would come back.. and if she told you she was pregnant you would never came back'' I said

You: ''so you're telling me..'' i lost it. ''THAT I HAD A FUCKING DAUGHTER THE PAST 15 YEARS?'' i was boiling up

Stranger: I widen my eyes. ''Yes that's what i'm telling you'' I said staying cal... Maybhe i shouldn't have come...

You: ''No. this wont work ok?'' ''i had a daughter this past 15 years and she didn't tell me?''

You: I Stepped closer to her ''Tell her..Its too late to forgiveness''

Stranger: "Look, I didn't climbed out off my fucking window, to get yelled to myself at the first place'' I started

You: I Lowered my voice ''You sneaked out?'' i didnt see that coming.

Stranger: ''Yes, I'm grounded, I heard you guys were here so i climbed out of my window'' I said

Stranger: I waited for his response
You: ''im sorry for that but you shouldn't have done that, it was obviously a mistake''
Stranger: ''what?''

You: i looked down ''You're coming to me, 15 years later since i leaved Eleanor...telling me i had a daughter this past years? i can't handle you, I have a tour, its no idea, its too late for us.''

Stranger: ''I didn't know your name since 3 days ago.'' I said. ''She refused to tell me, she always told me stories about you... You looked so amazing, but you know what? Your an asshole'' I said

You: ''i didn't know that.'' i looked her, Regret in my eyes ''but you know what? I can't take care of you, Eleanor have to, well, atleast untill the tour is over okay?''

Stranger: ''Fuck you'' I said walking away earning stares from four other boys. ''What the fuck are you looking at?'' I asked them

You: I looked after her, then at the other boys ''What the fuck are you looking at?'' She snapped at them ,

You: ''No Sierra wait!'' I said running after her taking her shoulder so she was standing towards me. ''Please don't leave yet''

Stranger: ''It's to late now'' I said pulling my shoulder back. The boys were stilll looking at us... ''Go look at those sluts in the line, Not at me'' I snapped

You: ''Sierra please, You're my daughter, I lost you once, i dont want to again'' i looked at her ''Just..Please don't go?''

Stranger: ''You never Lost me, since you never had me'' I said walking out off the buildingg

You: I was standing there, Numb. looking as my daughter, i never met, untill now, left. leaving me like nothing. i walked to harry ''Harry i got to go, i need to fix some things'' Harry nodded ''Go Boobear'' i walked down the lobby untill i reached our hotel room, locking up and sat down on the sofa. ''How stupid am i?'' I Said Sobbing..

Stranger: I walked to an ally of the big building sitting against the wall.. Singing 'Torn'.

You: after about an hour there was a knock , ''Come in'' i said, ''Whats wrong babe?'' Harry said looking worried. ''i had a fucking daughter the past 15 years harry''

Stranger: I stood up walking inside and sneaking in to the hotel thingy... I somehow knew their room.. I stood in the hall starting to sing Titanium

You: I was talking to harry as i heard a voice ...harry looked at me and told me to go and look who it was. I stood up and was starting to walk

Stranger: ''I am TITANIUM!!!!!!''

You: I opened the hotel door room and my one and only daughter was standing there, singing her heart out. i watched her,

Stranger: I finished singing, ''I don't fucking care what you say, your my fucking father whether you like it or not!''

You: I looked at her, tearing up. I walked over to her, Hugging her thight ''Im sorry for not being there''

Stranger: ''You should be..'' i mumbled hugging him back

You: i Let a single tear stream down my face i singed ''and the tears stream down my face'' I

Stranger: I laughed.

You: ''Im so so so sorry Sierra'' i said Looking straight into her eyes,

Stranger: I knew i had his eyes... ''I know...'' I started as my phone went off. Caller ID: Mom... "SHIT!'' I said

You: ''What?'' i Said confused

Stranger: ''Shit, shit shit... fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck....'' I said very fast answering it pretending it to be my

voice mail. ''Hey, Sierra in the hisshouse!!!! haha, can't answer right now... So i'll call you back later!'' I said
In my real voice mail i said the same and i didn't have and PIEP tune so it was believable...

You: i watched her ''Who was that?'' I said in a whisper

Stranger: 'Sierra, Where the fudge are you!?!? Pleas, Please Pleas call me as soon as you hear this' I hear her say than ending the call.

You: ''Sierra was that Eleanor?'' i said

Stranger: ''uuuhm.... Yes?'' I said more in a question

You: ''You really should tell her where you are'' i said looking down.

Stranger: ''She'll kill me'' I said

You: ''I bet she's worried sick, please go home, ill pick you up tomorrow?'' i said

Stranger: ''I'm not going home now.. then she'll kill me cuz i didn't call back''

You: ''Please, Call her back'' ''Say you're on your way home''

Stranger: ''I'm not going home now... if i go later she'll be not as mad as now.... FINE i'll call her'' I said
dialing the number (you need to talk as El)

You: (im Eleanor now) I sat in the bedroom worried sick as i heard my phone, it was sierra ''Young lady where The hell are you!? im worried sick!'' i said

Stranger: ''I know... sorry'' I said

You: ''where are you, Im picking you up, Like right now'' i said.

Stranger: ''Mom, no worries...''

You: ''You're telling me where you are im picking you up or you'll be grounded for months'' i said sternly

Stranger: ''Grounded for months.. what for!?! The first place of you grounding me didn't even had a reason!''

You: ''1. I grounded you. 2. You sneaked out. 3. YOU AINT TELLING ME WHERE YOU ARE.!!!'' i said

Stranger: ''Don't fucking yell at me!'' I yelled back.. ''Why was i grounded in the first place? so what i beated the shit outta that boy!''

You: ''Don't yell at me! You're coming home RIGHT NOW.'' I said.

Stranger: ''Not if you act like this!'' I said, I didn't let her know i was afraid... but was... I hate it when people yell at me...

You: ''You're coming home or ill ...ill Ground you, No phone, no computers, just bed and School!

You: ''You're coming home right now. bye'' i said hunging up .

Stranger: The moment she ended the call i started crying.

You: (im lou now) She hung up and started crying, i hugged her saying ''You're staying with me tonight Love''

Stranger: ''She'll kill me if i won't come home like.. right now''

You: '' I'll drive you'' i said looking at her.

Stranger: I shook my head. ''I'll be okay''

You: ''No, You're not walking alone home this late, i'll drive you, I don't want anything to happen''

Stranger: ''Just tell your friends first''

You: ''Okay, Lets go'' I said Taking her arm dragging her along to our hotel room

Stranger: ''No, NO, NOOOOONONONONONo'' I said

You: ''Come on!'' I said now picking her up over my shoulder, I laughted at her reaction

Stranger: ( I need to go... do you have kik?)

You: (Yeah)

Det var det! Jag är alltså ''You och den andre är ''Stranger'' Duuhh.. Hoppas ni gilla! Kramkram!

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