söndag 8 juli 2012

Some people push others away because they don't want to get hurt. Others push people away because they got hurt.

Tänkte glatt ta och slänga in ett enkelt, rakt simpelt inlägg i bloggen!
Har fått Ganska smått många mail   Om hur mina kontaktlinser ser ut,
Jadu, Såhär ser dom ut! Freshlook Colorblends True Sapphire Med Styrka Fina huh?
Jaaaa....iallafall, Har inte så mycket att blogga om idag, för har inget att säga.... kan väll bjuda på lite Quotes?
Så gör vi!

You can always hope for the best, but just remember, don't expect too much.

Some people can’t forget their first love, others can’t forget their last, the luckiest are those whose first love lasts.

I would go to the end of the earth for you, but you wouldn't go to my front door for me.

That moment when you can't sleep because you was overthinking about someone.

That horrible moment when your crush doesn't talk to you anymore, tells everyone lies, and listens to everyone else but you.

I did not stop loving you, I just stop showing it

When you push away who you always wanted, and then realize you will never get them back..

Worst feelings: crying yourself to sleep, being ignored, discover the person you love loves someone else, someone falls out of love with you

I'm moving on. No more waiting, no more hurt. If you wanted me, you could've had me, but you didn't. You blew your chance

The truth is everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to find the one worth suffering for.

When I text you, it's because I miss you. When I don't text you, it's because I'm waiting for you to miss me

Silence is a girl's loudest cry. You can tell she's really hurt once she starts ignoring you.

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