lördag 29 september 2012

nu har vi dagens Ämne, nämligen YOLO. Ja, jag vet vissa tror att YOLO är alltså ''ÅHH NU SKA VI SUPA OSS FULLA OCH BLI GRAVIDA 16 ÅRINGAR YOLO''  Nej, JUST NO.
YOLO är ''YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE'' liksom det är Typ Kämpa för landet! soldater! Bungyjumping, Skydiving! ALLTSÅ DET DU INTE VÅGAR. Då sitter jag här och tänker nu var jag smart som valde detta ämne! Ne skoja men vet ni vad jag säger när jag ska göra nåt sjukt korkat? Jag säger YOLO. Alltså typ åka nåt helt galet! eller Ja, Göra nåt som jag aldrig skulle vågat annars, YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE & #LIVEWHILEWEREYOUNG
Så är det,  THATS IT.
iallafall, det har börjat snöa här i lilla kiruna! Spännande Spännande!
men hej!
eller jo.
eller iallafall, nu ska jag faktiskt vara en glad människa och skriva ännu ett kapitel på min Fanfic!
Ni hittar länken längre ner på Bloggen tror jag!

måndag 24 september 2012


Min absolouta skitsnygga skateboard! Ska definitivt KRÄVA denna till julen! <3
Komplett Bräda "7,6 - Fades Checks" - Blue/Yellow/Pink
Komplett Bräda "7,6 - Fades Checks" - Blue/Yellow/Pink
Komplett Bräda "7,6 - Fades Checks" - Blue/Yellow/Pink
Komplett Bräda "7,6 - Fades Checks" - Blue/Yellow/Pink
tjoho! Se upp i backen för snart kommer en rullandes linda nerför!

Its simple bitch, Hes mine, Not yours.

Hejbloggen! har inte bloggat alls faktiskt för har inte haft tid! Har inte haft nått internet och ingen dator heller:)
Men nu så funkar allt som det ska så det är ju superbra! (Tummenupp)
iallafall så har jag haft en toppenhelg! Har fått ''catch up'' som man nu säger men Josse <3
Och det är ju helt fantastist hah!
Har spenderat tid med lilla Tomsi som man nu uppskattar! (introducing new friends)
Japp så nu välkomnar jag en ny bästavän i familjen! VÄLKOMMEN till den varmaste Bästavänner föreningen ever! Haha nej skojja ju bara nu... ¨
Vi har ju iallafall kollat på lite film, bara skräckisar , har kollat exakt lite över 6 st.
Men har ju fått KirunaKortet så det är ju asbra! Kan nu åka hur jävla mke buss jag vill!
Har det iallafall ganska så trevligt i livet just nu.
ska fan ha en ny :(
Iallafall så ska det bli en ganska tidig kväll! ska packa ihop ute gympa kläderna och sedan hopp i säng! (Kollar nog TV och dricker nog mjölk en stund så min kropp inte förtvinas)

Tummen upp för norrlands mjölkeri! (Y)
Har kollat premiären av Williams lista också.
med det avslutar jag! kraaaaaaam!

onsdag 19 september 2012

i find this extremely funny.

läs min Harry Styles Fanfic!

min FÖRSTA fanfic ever!
Hoppas ni gillar den! Har många ideer att slänga in i denna fanfic! Så ni har en massa att se fram emot!
Har gjort 6 kapitel hittils (allt står på engelska då ofc)

Hej Bloggen!

Ny header IGEN!
jag vet jag vet..ändrar mig heeela tiden, men skitsamma right? Kram vänner!
Hinner inte göra ett inlägg ska gå och vila! Haha :)

önskelista 2012!

1. Harry Styles. (JAG VILL HA) HAHAHAH.

2. Hollister hoodie! 

3. proactiv! NICE N FRESH.

4. Xlash! Natural & Long.

5. iPhone eller Blackberry! 

6. Canon 500D <3

tisdag 18 september 2012



Sjuklingens inlägg...

Hejbloggen! Nu var det så att min käraste vän josefine, ville läsa lite när hon var på Bilden så jag tänkte göra ett inlägg bara för henne! Och för er då också, Mina fin fina läsare.
Haha vet ni vad sjukt!?
När Nån frågar.
Jahaja är du Oskuld? Då säger jag alltid
''Jag är lika oskuld som Hanna widerstedt'' Small joke haha.(Jag just nu haha)
Small joke, small brain.
Jaja Vart ju sjuk igår jag. spännande spännande. eller nej. ni vet i en av dom här barnsagorna när nån skogshuggare skärde upp magen på en sovandes varg och la stenar? Sen sydde igen och kastade ner i sjön? VAFAN. hur tänkte dom där liksom? Blir ju nästan lite rädd. kunde ju varit en skräckhistoria istället.
asså nu känner jag att jag inte orkar skriva har så jävligt ont i magen men man får ju hoppas att lilla jossääh uppskattar vad jag orkar skriva nu, börjar ju bli gammal käre du!
Kram på er! Skriver senare , ska uppdatera min Fanfic just nu! kram.

söndag 16 september 2012


Want to be noticed and admired for your breathtaking looks? Here's how to make the most of what you've got.
[wrote this one On english]

  1. 1
    Take care of everyday upkeep. Scheduling time for hygiene makes sure you get it done, and (even better) helps you see yourself as a priority. Here are some basic guidelines:
    • wash your face twice daily. Even if you're super exhausted at night, try to at least take off your makeup and use a moisturizer.
    • Brush your teeth at least twice per day. If you want to put in some extra effort, you could even brush after meals. Try to floss every night, as well.
    • Shower once a day, at least. That doesn't mean you have to wash your hair once a day (and sometimes you shouldn't — keep reading for more on that), but your body should be cleaned daily.
    • Take care of your nails. Nails should be trimmed at least once a week; if you want, you can even try a manicure or pedicure.
    • Remove unwanted body hair regularly. Plucking eyebrows, shaving legs and armpits, and getting rid of other stray hairs doesn't have to be part of your beauty routine. If it is, though, try to do it on a consistent schedule.
    • Make sure you have clean laundry. Fresh clothes will both look better and make you feel more attractive.
  2. 2
    Maintain a healthy mane. Get split ends trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks, and touch up any highlights or color around the same time. Here are some other ways to maximize your locks:
    • choose a haristyle that fits your face. How you wear your hair can highlight different parts of your face, so choose a style that brings out what you like. For instance, if you have sharp cheekbones and a wide jaw, wearing your hair pulled back will make these more prominent, whereas flowing layers will make a round face seem longer.
    • Don't wash your hair every day. Unless you have baby-fine hair that's thin and gets weighed down easily, consider washing your hair every other day instead. On the between day, use a boar-bristle brush to move the tiny bit of oil through your hair — it'll make it look shiny and bouncy.
    • Avoid over-styling your hair. One or two days a week, give your hair a break from blowdryers, curling irons, and straighteners. The heat can damage your hair and make it look brittle.
  3. 3
    Make your face look fantastic. Even if your hair and your clothes are just OK, how you take care of your face can push you form "pretty" to "drop-dead gorgeous." Here's how to make the most of your features, with or without wearing makeup:
    • get glowing skin, In addition to washing and moisturizing twice a day, avoid breakouts by keeping your hands away from your face and sleeping on clean pillowcases. Spot-treat pimples using salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Or, for a quick overnight fix, crush a few uncoated aspirin tablets (the plain white ones), mix with a few drops of water, and leave the paste on any zits while you sleep.
    • Start by only plucking a few hairs, then see how it looks and remove more from there if necessary. For less painful plucking, avoid doing it during the week before your period. Or, you can hold ice cubes on your skin for a minute before you start tweezing.
    • Wear makeup that suits your face., or visit a department store for a consultation. (Most makeup counters will put makeup on you and teach you techniques for free, but it doesn't hurt to ask.)
    • Follow the eyes-or-lips rule. If you wear makeup, focus the drama on either your eyes or your lips — not both. If you have a great pucker and wear red lipstick to make it look amazing, skip the heavy eyeliner and eyeshadow, and do one coat of mascara. If you want to highlight your eyes, go easy on the lips with a light stain or chapstick.
  4. 4
    Wear what looks good on you. What suits another drop-dead gorgeous girl might not look great on you, and vice versa. The good news: figuring out what probably looks good on you is easier than you think. Try these tips:
    • Decide whether you should wear warm or cool tones. Wearing the right color can make your skin glow, while the wrong one can make it look washed out or splotchy. The best way to do this is looking at the inside of your wrist under bright light — do your veins look blue or green under your skin? If it's green, wear warms; if it's blue, you'll probably look better in cools.
      • Warm colors include bright yellows, yellow-based reds and greens, browns, gold, cream and anything with a yellow or orange tint to it.
      • Cold colors are made up of "jewel tones" such as deep purples, blues, and greens, black, white, and "cool" pastels with blue tones.
    • Take a glance at what's in your closet. Chances are, you already gravitate toward colors that look good on you — and it's OK to stick to those.
    • Make sure your clothes fit. They should cover you adequately without being baggy, and be fitted without squeezing too tightly. If a lot of your clothes are bigger than you'd like, take them to a seamstress or tailor to be altered — individual pieces shouldn't cost much. (You can usually find one at your local dry cleaner's.)
  5. 5
    Tone up. Exercising regularly will not only make your physique look better, it'll also boost your confidence and your endorphins. Try to set aside time to exercise for at least 30 minutes, three or four times per week, or get involved in an athletic sport.
  6. 6
    Get plenty of sleep. Sleeping too little gives you red, baggy eyes and a lackluster physical presence. Studies have also shown that sleeping too little causes overeating]and weakens your immune system

lördag 15 september 2012


HejVännerigen! Tänkte ta och berätta Lite av vad som gäller denna Final Fine Lördag!
Engla kommer snart och då ska vi kolla Film! Och ha det Relativt mysigt!
Och imorgon ska man väll (Antarjag) Kolla film å de med Niksy&Edde :)
men nej, nu skriver jag med en hand!.
nu måste jag gåå kram kram krammmm! <3

fredag 14 september 2012


Hej vänner! Sitter nu och tare Allmänt Chill!
Dunkar musik i Connys rum forever alone och har det allmänt revligt.
jag å mitt jävla allmänt.
Ni ska veta vad Tomsi sa åt mig! Han brukar alltid knuffa mig så jag skulle göra tbx när vi gick hem. Så jag skulle tackla han så sen när jag precis skulle Tackla han så flytta han bakåt å jag ramla ner i gräset -.-
Skitkul jag vet...aha..
Kanske ber nån rolig människa att Komma och kolla film, annars så går man väll ut senare med några antar jag :)
Så det blir nog braigt :)
Jaja ska gå och läsa lite bloggar så hinner inte göra så bra inlägg, :)

onsdag 12 september 2012

Bytt rum AO!

Sådärja! Nu har jag bytt rum och allt känns så jävla uppdaterat!
Men Vänner...har inte alls så mycke att säga och jag är veeerkligen sugen på MJÖLK.
så det ska jag ta å dricka. Men som ersättning för mitt Sjukt korta inlägg så kan Jag Ge er min FanFic Länk (Harry Styles Love story) (VERY SAD)
Hoppas ni gilla! Kram! <3 Har gjort 5 kapitel hittils. Säg gärna vad ni tycker! xx

tisdag 11 september 2012


I would like to thank you, for showing me a part of myself that I have never seen. Yeah we were young and dumb, but it still was fun and I guess these things just tend to fall apart and I hope you feel the same.

Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow; we must fail in order to know. Sometimes our vision only clears after our eyes are washed away with tears.

I know I'm not completely over him. He still crosses my mind several times a day, but with each one of those times, a feeling of contempt also passes through my heart. Maybe if this happens enough, my heart will become completely hardened to him, and I'll get to the point where he doesn't affect me anymore.---

Walk home drowning these memories in the rain biting my lip to transfer this pain, your gone and I'm still going through withdrawals, next time around I'll build a stronger wall.

I'm afraid to give you my all, I'm afraid to love you completely. What if behind your beautiful face and kind words you are just bribing me. Maybe you are just reeling me in until you turn around and drop me. I'd fall so far and never be able to recover, I wish I could see the ending sometimes. I would know if I should hold on to you and keep going or just let it all end before I get up too high.--- samrushing

I'm going to stay with you because you need a friend, but thats all I'm going to be. no more hands in places they shouldn't be, no more giving you my heart so you can stamp all over it.

I miss all the little things. Like him driving with his hand resting on my knee and the way we'd share a big gooey ice cream. But I especially miss the hot nights in those motel rooms when he was all around me, the taste, and the scent and the feel of him. And I'd fall asleep in his arms, with the sound of his heartbeat being the last thing I heard before going to sleep. I ache with longing.

You and me are inevitable, you're all that makes me happy but if you break my heart again, I'll kill you.

Love hurts. I say that because I know. Love is... or was amazing. It's an incredible feeling to know what he's going to say. It's more incredible the way he has me on the edge of my seat because he's so completely random, I never know what's coming next. It's hard to explain, but he filled some void in me, and now, without him, I'm missing something again. I wonder if it will ever truly, whole heartedly be filled again. I just don't want to know what it's like to hurt any more...

I've been laying here all night, listening to the rain. Talking to my heart and trying to explain. Why sometimes I catch myself wondering what might have been. Yes I do think about you, every now and then.

I'm not afraid of heights, I'm afraid of falling. I'm not scared of the dark, I'm scared of what's in it. I'm not afraid of love, I'm afraid of not being loved back.

In this weird twisted way, I know you miss me liking you, not because I want to believe it's true, but because you'll never find a girl that can put up with you like I did; you'll never find a girl who will care as much as I did, because no one will waste all there love on someone like you, like I did.

I didn't ask for it to be over, but then again, I didn't ask for it to begin. For that's the way it is with life, as some of the most beautiful days come completely by chance. But even the most beautiful days eventually have their sunsets.

I wish I saved all the tears I cried for you so I could fucking drown you in them.

I tried to hold onto what we had, but you didn't even make an effort. You lied you cheated and left me to cry all alone once again. And when I return looking more beautiful and confident than ever before all I want you to realize is what you had and what you will never have again.

It's amazing after all we've been through the good times and the bad how we can walk past each other and pretend like it never happened give each other an awkward smile and move on.

Perhaps I saw what I wanted to see in him and made him to be more than he was.

The tough thing about following you heart is that people forget to mention that sometimes the heart takes you to places you shouldn't be. Places that are scary as they are exciting and as dangerous as they are alluring. Sometimes your heart cannot take you to places that lead to happy ending. That's not even the difficult part; the difficult part is when you follow your heart, you leave normal; you go into the unknown and once you do you can never go back.

Am I mad at you? That's your main concern after shattering my whole world? Mad for what? Breaking my heart? Or for all the lies? Maybe for letting me put all my trust in you only to be betrayed? How about the fact you didn't even have the decency to tell me to my face? Or the way you think it's crazy that I'm crying over it cause to you breaking up is no big deal. Am I mad at you?... no. More like crushed... did I ever really know you?

It's really painful to say goodbye to someone that you don't want to let go but its even more painful to ask someone to stay if they never wanted to stay.

In love you find the oddest combinations; materialistic people find themselves in love with idealists; clingers fall in love with players; homebodies capture and try to smother butterflies. It it wasn't so serious we could laugh at it.

I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mending whole was good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

You didn't intentionally break my heart, you even said you were sorry, but I cried anyway... I know the truth that you're to scared to admit, you're with her, but when you look at me, you can't even remember her name...

I'm so paranoid of getting hurt. I am always getting my heart broken over and over. My heart has so many scars and bruises all over it. I don't know how much just one heart can
take really, and I don't really want to find out either.

Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.

After a while, you learn the difference between holding a hand, and falling in love. You'll learn kisses don't always mean something. Promises can be broken just as easily as they were made, and as hard as it is to believe, sometimes goodbyes are forever.

Life doesn't hurt until you have time to yourself to think about how things have changed, who you've lost along the way, and how much of it is your fault.

Let me ruin your life, let me break your heart, then I'll ask you why we can't be friends. Let me rip your world into little pieces, let me destroy who you thought you were, and then I'll ask if we can be friends.

I just want someone to come up to me and kiss me and tell me that they're in love with me. I don't just want it though. I need it. I'm desperate for it.

It's like once you've been hurt, you're so scared to get attached again. you have this fear that every person you start to fall for, is just going to break your heart again.

If you don't love me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best.

Just let me ask you something...if I happen to walk out of this room right now and never come back, and just forget everything and leave it all behind would you be okay with that? Because I have 5 steps til I close this door and you have 5 seconds to make up your mind...starting now...

Make me stay. Say something sweet and tender and untrue and make me stay.

The hardest thing about knowing you don't love me
is that you spent so much time pretending that you did.

Like being in love there must be a corresponding painful side like losing in love
it's just a fact of life. --- Daria

If I asked him, would he even know the color of my eyes?

There's only one "reason" a man dumps you; he doesn't want you.

You really know you love someone when all you want is for them to be happy, even if that means that you are not a part of it.

It's not my fault if I can't help looking at you. It's not my fault if I can't stop calling you. It's not my fault I do like you. My only mistake was to fall to much in love with you.

Sometimes - no matter how long, or how much you love someone, they will never love you back and somehow you have to learn to be okay with that.

If your gonna make me cry, at least be there to wipe away the tears.

I'm holding on to something that used to be there hoping it will come back, knowing it won't.

I want you to know that you will never find another girl that will put up with as much crap as I do and enjoy it. You will never find another girl that will put up with you and love you the way I do. Just so you know.

There's always that one special person that no matter what they do to you, you just cant let them go.

At first, I cried because I didn't have you why do I still cry now that I do?

How could you make me love you and then not be there to love me back?

I sit here and think about everything that happened this past week and not a single tear runs down my cheek. Maybe its because I'm too hurt to cry, or maybe I'm just to mad at you.

Maybe just maybe its my hearts way of telling me this isn't over yet.

What do you do when the only person who can stop your tears is the one making you cry.

I'd like to think I'll be happy again, but I really need to just stop and cry now, and sometimes I wish I could just scream at you, and show you what you do to me.

And even though you lied, and even though you pretended to care I can't seem to get you out of my mind and even though it seems like I should be over you, with every tear that falls, it reminds me of how much I am still in love with you.

Have you ever hated somebody so much that you wish they would just leave and never come back but yet, loved them so much, you knew youd die if they did?

I've been through this pain before I've even cried these tears before but to get you back, I'd go through so much more.

I'm going to smile like nothings wrong, talk like everythings perfect, act like its just a dream and pretend that he's not hurting me.

The truth of the matter is, I still have feelings for you. And no matter how many times I tell myself that I'm better off with out you, a part of me just won't let go.

I know I made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life, but the worst one was thinking the person who hurt me the most wouldn't hurt me again.

I feel like I am sitting in a room full of people that I love, and you know what, they just don't care that I love them. They don't care whether or not I live or die. To them I'm just another girl, just another stranger. To me, they are my best friends, the only people I have left.

I'm scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love, it never seems to last.

You're the reason I live and the reason I die, you're the reason I smile yet break down and cry, you're the reason I keep going and the reason I fall, cause without you in my life I'm nothing at all.

I have waited for you for 2 years and I will wait for you for the rest of my life. Even if that means I have to give you up for the rest of my life, I will wait for you. I love you that much and nothing will ever change that.

I'm gonna smile, because I wanna make you happy, laugh, so you won't see me cry. I'm gonna let you go in style, and even if it kills me, I'm gonna smile.

Love? It's kind of complicated, but I'll tell you this the second you're willing to make yourself miserable to make someone else happy, that's love right there.

You fuck me, then stub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me a sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole. Is this a pretty accurate description of our relationship.

You asked me what was wrong, I smiled and said nothing, when you turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself everything is.

I am in love with the man I can't have and I have the man I can't love.

I would have followed him to hell if he asked me to and with all he put me through, maybe I did.

I used to think that if I loved you enough you would realize it and love me back, but I can only love so much for so long.

Do I really love him or am I addicted to the pain of wanting something I can't have.

I love you yet I hate you its like I want to throw you off a cliff and then run really fast to the bottom and catch you. (this is me and my friend Kevin)

I don't know which is worse, keeping your love for someone a secret or telling them and risk being rejected.

I don't know which is worse, loving someone knowing its going to cause you pain or being in pain because you can't love someone.

It hurts to realize that them people you thought you'd love for life don't love you as much as you thought they did and can do without you as if they never knew you at all.

It seems to me that the harder I try the harder I fall.

Ever notice that the people who hurt you the most are the ones you tend to love more.

It's funny the way you can get use to the tears and the pain.

No more crying, I can't cry anymore. Don't take my hand this time. Just go please and don't look back, because I know if you did, I'd come running back to you and I can't do that.

I'm glad you're happy. I can't say that I'm completely happy for you but I guess that's just a part of life, I'll always have feelings for you but the rest of the world is forcing me to move on.

I would rather leave now still loving you then to leave later hating you.

I hate the way I could never hate you.

I want to cry, I really do, but I guess I just don't want to give you the satisfaction of knowing that you hurt me once again.

I remember when I still believed the things you said.

You can't just cling on to something because it's familiar.

Difficult or easy, pleasant or bitter, you are the same you; I cannot live, with or without you.

This time its over I'm keeping my heart, I'm gonna be strong and not fall apart it'll get better, I'll no longer cryin a couple of weeks I won't want to die, I won't want to go back. I'll be able to sleep, it won't hurt so bad and it won't hurt so deep!

It hurts to see someone you love ignoring you, it also hurts to see that he doesn't feel your love. But it hurts even more to

know that he loves you too, and just doesn't want you to know.

Love is when someone hurts you. And you get so mad but you don't yell at them because you know it would hurt their feelings.

I'd rather be your lover then your friend, but I'd rather be your friend then your nobody.

I've convinced everyone else that I don't like you and that I don't love you anymore. Now all I need to do is convince myself.

To let go of someone doesn't mean you have to stop loving, it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him to come back.

I know you never meant to do everything you put me through its okay I forgive you.

I never regretted telling you I liked you, I only regretted never hearing what you really thought of me.

You make it really hard to love you sometimes.

Each move I made in his direction just seemed to pave my way faster to hell.

If you love me as much as you say you do then you'll leave.

If you think you've found that one that you really love... make sure they love you back.

Don't hate me. Don't regret me. Don't even forget me.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, don't say I never loved you.

It's hard to love someone who's in love with someone else, you have to ignore the pain and swallow your pride. Just to be a friend... but that's all worth it because sometimes friendship last longer than love.

I haven't been around but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you.

I never stopped loving you. Even when I was acting crazy, I loved you. I've tried to show you in a million ways but nothing ever got through.

I cut to prove to you that you are not the only one that can hurt me.

To me, love is having your head tell you to slap him but all you wanna do is look into his eyes and smile.

I wish I saved all the tears I cried for you so I could fucking drown you in them.

Sometimes I love you, Sometimes you make me blue, Sometimes I feel good, At times I feel used. Loving you darling makes me so confused.--- Alicia Keys

Do you want to know what my problem is? I will tell you what my problem is, I LOVE YOU I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love your gorgeous smile, I love the way you walk, I love your beautiful eyes, I love what you look like when you are asleep, I love the sound of your laugh, to hear your voice fills my entire heart with an indescribable feeling. I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood. I love how when you touch me I get weak, that is my problem...

Sometimes I hope we're still friends when I get married. I hope that I'll invite you to the wedding and you'll come. Then you'll see me as the happiest girl in the world. You'll see me with a guy that treats me right and loves me more than himself. You'll see all that you could've had and you'll regret letting me go.

But the thing that I want you to see the most is that I survived without you.

You know what? You should break up with me for her. You should go out with anyone your heart desires because, eventually, I know what will happen. See, you're gonna be with all those other girls, but none of those girls are gonna be like me. I'm different than all of them. You're going to realize that

I'm the one you're meant for and you're going to come back to me. So sure, break up with me now, but I'm telling you, you'll be back. You'll be back when you realize that you broke up with the one girl who was meant to be with you. But see, the thing is, you just better hope the girl is still there.

I don't think I ever felt that good and that bad at the same time in my life.

Sometimes I may hate you, but I'll always love you. -Daria

I have been thinking a lot about growing up, and all of the relationships and broken hearts we go through. I always wonder how many times I said "I love you" And knew I didn’t mean it. It makes me think about all of the people that have said they love me and didn’t mean it as well, and I get really pissed off, because I hate when people lie. I mean, if they were lying to get in my pants, that is one thing, but just for the sake of dragging this heart through the mud. I don’t think anyone has ever used me for my body, and that really, really hurts. It really does. I want to be a booty call.

Isn’t that what we all want out of life; to be someone’s "go to" sex slave? I forgot what I was talking about. Oh yeah, Love. Love sucks.--- Jaret

Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they somehow complete you.

I begin to hate you for your face and not just the things you do.

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. ---Sex and the City

Don't stay because you think "it will get better". You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. --- Sex in the City

You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. --- Sex in the City

There's only one "reason" a man dumps you; he doesn't want you.

Relationships are very simple. There are only two things that can happen. You either get married or your break up.

I may hate myself in the morning But I'm gonna love you tonight.

Life is for having fun. Don't be stupid and waste it on some guy/girl who is gonna act like he/she hates you tomorrow. Never waste it on some one who doesn't want their friends to know they're in love with you. Don't give that person the rest of you tears or a month or a year of your life when he/she treats you badly and doesn't mind to make you cry. Every person deserves some one who wants to brag about them. Every person deserves some one who makes them smile and laugh at their worst moments. We all deserve at least that.

Relationships are like glasses. If they break, let them stay broken, you'll only hurt yourself trying to fix it. At least the pieces still remain.

I'm mad at myself, not you. I'm mad for always being nice, always apologizing for things I didn't do, for getting attached, for making you my life, depending on you, wasting my time on you, thinking about you, following you, changing for you, forgiving you, wishing for you, dreaming of you, and most of all... for not hating you which I know I should... but I can't.

This is for the broken hearted. I know how you feel. Empty, betrayed, and no happiness whatsoever. You don't want to laugh, because you know it's not going to help, but you don't want to cry, because it will just make you feel worse. You feel like your heart is falling apart, but not only that, but you know soon your life is going to feel like it's falling apart too. You don't think it will ever end, and no matter what this person has done to you, it feels impossible to stop loving them. And everyone wonders why if they have hurt you so much, then why do you still love them. That's the confusing part, you don't know why, you just do, and the people who hurt you the most, and normally the ones you love the most. And then, after a few weeks, you finally feel a sense of relief, like you're getting happy again, but you know inside that you're just going into denial. And after a few more weeks, you're back to where you were an empty soul and teary eyes. You thought you got over them, but really, you just stopped showing it. And you can't help but to show it again. It leaves deep scars on your heart that are there forever. And no one understands how you feel, and how deep you are hurt, no matter who they are, because it hasn't happened to them And even if it has, every broken heart is different. They don't know the true pain you feel and carry each and everyday now, so you learn that basically you are alone with all this. And the feeling starts to overwhelm you, and suddenly you just break down, right there, because you know you've had enough, the tears just instantly start flowing, and you're to the point where you don't care who see's. Because you've spent so many nights lying awake in bed, and so many days being haunted by the scars and fear of rejection. And in the midst of all these tears, you know that its not helping any, and it's not going to bring them back, if you ever even had them in the first place. After about a million tears have been cried, you finally pull yourself back together and keep going. Your throat starts to clench and your eyes burn with the tears you are trying to hold back. Everyone says, "It will be okay…” But you know it won't. And that’s the truth, it won’t. And you look back on all of the hurt you had from this, and you realize that people are horrible. You're still hurt, but you've learned to hide it so that everyone thinks you are okay. So now every time you see this person, you know you still love them, and you feel a slight tingle in your heart yearning for them to love you, screaming out, but for some reason they don't hear it. And then you sit back and wonder how one person could have caused all of this...

I'm not gonna give a fuck anymore... If you hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you. That's how it's gonna be from now on...

Life sucks a lot of the time, huh? But, ya know, if you can get through a heartbreak, you can get through almost anything.

I can't stop thinking about him. That has to tell you something. I can't get him out of my head. And quite frankly, I don't even want to try. --- lyssy

Why do we fall for someone, who really isn't for us?... should we blame ourselves for falling the wrong one. Or... should we blame the one we fell for, because... they made us believe that they are the right one for us?

He's lost the one girl who thought nothing was wrong with him.

If you dress nicely, he says you're a snob. If you dress sexy, he says you're a slut. If you argue with him, he says you're stubborn. If you're quiet, he says you're stupid. If you call him, he says you're needy and clingy. If he calls you, he says you should be grateful. If you don't love him, he'll try to win you. If you love him, he'll leave you. If you don't fuck him, he'll say you don't love him. If you do, he'll say you're easy. If you tell him your problems, he'll say you're irritating. If you don't , he'll say you don't trust him. If you lecture him, he'll say you're bitchy. If he lectures you, it's because he "cares". If you break a promise, you can't be trusted. If he breaks it, he had to. If you cheat, he'll expect it to be over. If he cheats, he expects to be given another chance either way.

You only love him because you fear that he just might be the only one that will ever love you.

It's not that I still love him, because I don't, it's just that I still worry about his stupidity.

I know you never meant to do everything you put me through its okay I forgive you.

Sometimes things can seem so perfect, and then in a split second. It all comes and blows back up in your face, making you remember, that nothing ever works out for you. Something always fucks up your "perfect thing". --- mangledxdreams

Nothings gonna change the way I feel and you know that I'm gonna love you still. Please don’t turn your back, I cant believe it's hard just to talk to you, but you don't understand. Because we're not together now, and I want to be with you. I'm sorry I can't just be friends. Am I too late, or do I have a chance? I'm sorry... I can't just be friends.

I lay there at night, trying to fall asleep
But each time I close my eyes
Memories of you flash through my mind
But then I open my eyes
and welcome myself back to reality
Because I know now, you and I weren't ever
really meant to be.

There will always be faces you can never look at without emotion and there are names you can never hear spoken without that same old feelings returning. Just when you think you can move on, you'll remember all the reasons why you held on so long.

The only thing worse than a broken heart is knowing you'd give him another chance.

I don't understand why I let myself stay with you, after all the lies and all the tears cried. What makes you so fucking special?

Why do I waste my time? Why is it that you're so damn irreplaceable?

Tell me what I have to do tonight
'Cause I'd do anything to make it right
Let's be us again
I'm sorry for the way I lost my head
I don't know why I said the things I said
Let's be us again
Here I stand
With everything to lose
And all I know is I don't want to ever see the end
Baby please, I'm reaching out for you
Won't you open up your heart and let me come back in.

One day you'll look back and think... damn! that girl really did love me...

Don't wanna do it today There's a part of me that wishes I could just forget But I haven't found the mercy yet. I'll forgive you tomorrow if the sun doesn't shine Let you back into my life when the oceans are dry Take you back when every shade of the rainbow turns gray But I just can't do it today --- Gary Allan

Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone... too often we wait too long to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong"

There's nothing scarier then getting what you want, cause that's when you really have something to lose.

I'm mad at myself for crying, I don't even remember the reason but the tears keep flowing and they just wont stop I'm supposed to be strong but everything's so wrong.

Maybe sometimes you just have to say what's in your heart, not just what you think someone wants to hear.

I'm sorry that I'm not the one you wanted that I made your life fucked up its not telling you how I feel that scares me. Its what you'll say back that does.

Learn from your past, move on, grow stronger. People are fake, but let your trust last longer. Do what you got to do, but always stay true, and never let anyone get the best of you.

I think it's time that I let you go. And it's really hard for me to do because I know that there's a part of me that will be in love with you for the rest of my life. But this while running in place and day dreaming is just not healthy for either of us. --- Dawson's Creek

Not everything's gonna be picture perfect... Things sometimes take time and have rough times to get through... Before you can get there but if you give up on things you want, everything you've gone through ends up being completely worthless.

If one day you realize that I haven't talked to you in a while it's not because I don't care anymore it's because you pushed me away and just left me there...

The higher you build the walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone tears them down.

I want to be the one - I want to be the person that touches your heart and makes it skip a beat - I want to be that person whose arms make you just melt - I want to be the person that your destined to be with.

Just hit play and watch my life fall apart.

I can't help myself; I don't want anyone else.

You are unmistaken ably my first love. Every guy I am with for the rest of my life will be compared to you.

Hold me when I cry, sleep with me on my drenched pillow, just for one night.

I know it's hard to love me, but couldn't you please just try anyway?

Time and time again, I forgave you. I've forgiven you for things that I swore to myself I'd never forgive someone for... and here you are, still hurting me, and I still forgave you..

She's smiling... but she doesn't mean it. She misses how they use to be... she misses how it was so real how they cared for each other without end but most of all, she misses him always being there and telling her everything will be okay because she need's that now, more then ever. She's sick of feeling like something's missing.

And these break up songs Are making sense again And I really wish they didn't.

For him I'd smile when he's happy kiss him when he's sad... try to be the perfect girl and calm him when he's mad hold his hand to make him strong and say he's right when I know he's wrong.

måndag 10 september 2012

Why do I like you? Maybe it's the fact that you are perfect in my eyes, I always want to be around you and when I am. All I can do is smile


It doesn't matter how long you've known him. If he's kept you smiling since day one, don't lose him.

Often, we fall in love with the most unexpected person, at the most unexpected time.

I’m the person who always jokes. Nobody knows the real me. Nobody knows all the problems I have. I try to say what I feel and it seems like none of my friends care. Nobody cares. I just keep everything bottled in.

The things I would do for you. You would not believe it, but that's because I'm in love with you and you're somebody special in my life.

I want a relationship where we can act like lovers and bestfriends at the same time.

I just find it amazing how one person can make your world fall and how one person can make your life totaly worth it 

Isnt it How amazing that you have been able to build a castle in my heart, but I have not been able to even build a little room in yours?

When you love someone, ages, heights, weights and distances are just a damn number.

Best friends are there to catch you when you trip and fall, but friends are there to laugh at you when you trip and fall.

I'm not popular, but I can make you feel like you are the most important person in the world every day, every minute, and every second

Maybe she's a little too loud sometimes. But deep down she's shy and hides herself and her heart. This girl doesn't want her heart broken. Not again.

Sometimes I just want you to go away, and then realize how much I wish you would have stayed.

When your focused on that one person you like and you don't realize that kid behind you, protecting you,and waiting for you to fall so She could get you up......your bestfriend is the one for you 

love you, when I see you I forget to breath. I miss you, and it hurts.

Me: I don't like him, I don't like him I dont like him, I don't like him, I dont like him. Friend: Yes you do. Me: (sigh)I know

söndag 9 september 2012


Hejhej! Nu som ni ser har det börjat komma löjligt sena inlägg hära på min lilla blogg!
Men saken är ju den att jag inte har så mycket fantasi kvar haha!
Men iallafall ser inte fram emot ''Skolan'' Liksom ALLVAR är inte min grejj liksom.
Jag är inte allvarlig! Aldrig vart! Aldrig kommer jag kunna vara det heller för den delen...
Nåja, Käkade Nutella till frukost bara för att jag är jag och jag är nyttigast på jorden. eller ja...
Iallafall! Har somsagt försökt göra en Vlogg men går inte att lägga upp på bloggen så sorry för det,
Och Det är ett antal frågor om varför jag inte har bilder på bloggen.
Svaret är ju den att jag inte Har nå bra bilder att lägga upp just nu!
Men eftersom jag är jag och jag är en trevlig levande varelse! Så kommer väll en liten bild som jag lagt up på Instagram för nån dag sen!
Så häääär har ni den.
Foto: The hardest thing im going trought is loving You, Becuse you would always Choose her Instead of Me, And It Hurts me So mutch.
inte den bästa för jag hade inge mascara på så aoo...

Iallafall KRAM PÅ ER.
Nu ska jag gå och kolla klipp & DampSmsa Hjärtat mitt <3
Hihi Älskardig<3

lördag 8 september 2012

Ny header!

Såja! Nu var det gjort! Gonatt Mina små Schteekare till läsare.
eller nej.
Ni är alla Äpplen. & Jag är ett päron.
Jag suger.

Massa svin finns det!

Hejhej Läsare! Nu var det ju så att jag ville göra ett inlägg för att det finns så jävla mycket svin.
Helt enkelt.
Och nu råkar en av dessa svin vara Min BÄSTAVÄNS Ex pojkvän. , houff! Känns så jobbigt att hon måste Behandlas som skit av han. jävla svin.
har liksom lust att bara slå till han! Liksom bara sådär rakt i Ballarna!
Haha ne...eller jo föressten.
Jo men har lust att göra en ny Enkel header.. så de ska jag göra:)
Krampåer&Sorry för det korta inlägget!
Ha en bra Lördag vänner!

BloggRubrik saknas jao.

Tjatja mina små insmörade smörbananer!  Ja jag vet att jag inte har gjort ett anständigt och straight up inlägg för jag är lite bögig av mig. Aow så äre. Sitter iallafall hära med lilla Josse! Och hon kan va ett riktigt pain in the a$$ Sometimes. Och Jaaa...Som ni nu märket så har jag inte så himla bra skrivplanering idag. men somsagt det har jag ju typ aldrig så ni får ju nöja er.
Jo idag så fick man ett oväntat Damp besök av min Lilla Öhh...Bror. Jadu han kan ju få lite Ryck och skrika halsen av sig så han slängde upp dörren å kastade en kopp med Jordnötskräm i min vägg.
Gissa om jag blev förvånad.

Jävla cp att han inte ens visste det! Houff Ungdomar these days...

Aa men nu har jag faktiskt inte så mycke mer roligt å säga här! för min hjärna den är emty!
(As Usual)
Åhjuste bloggade inte igår. Vart ju å kolla film hos Niksy me Tomsi. Ja Tom. Du heter nu Tomsi enligt mig.
Aja de var ju rätt kuljul!
Krampåer! Och tacktack för ERT FINA UPPFÖRANDE. eftesom mina särstavning är rätt många.


torsdag 6 september 2012

If you don't ask you'll never know It's time while it lasts if you want him go out and get him.

Har nyss kommit hem från Nukutus! (Kom hem vid 12-1 tiden & De var inte sååå illa 
Och Pluset var ju att Jag,Josse,Niksy, Lätt hade det mysigaste! Minuset var då att tältet rasa in heeela tiden, de var emelies, Så när vi vaknade På morgon så kom det fram att Hannes hade varit å sprungit där å råkat riva ner nått. Och Tältet var inte direkt vattentät, Det såg ut som om att det kom från Lekia...
Och Typ alla hade gått & Kikat in i vårt tält. Och Tack till niks för Stryptaget! Spännande spännande. 

People say that you dont know what you got untill its gone, Truth is you did know what you got , You just thought you'd never lose it.

Jaja, ska ta och gå å sova lite typ. :) Kram!

söndag 2 september 2012


Hejhej! Nu tänkte ni väll ''Vafan har linda för damp idag då i detta allmänt sociala inlägget''
Då kan jag faktiskt ta och göra er glada att säga Jag har inte damp idag!
Känner mig bara Ganska så glad.
Ja iallafall. Har börjat skriva fanfic på quotev, Spännande spännande.
haha nej, men när jag Börjat skriva lite lätt så får ni veta det!
Så kan ni gärna ta och kika in å läsa den.  GILLA MIN STIL JAO.
haha nej men snart är det camping, skitkul (Notice the sarkasm) kommer frysa ihjääääällllll
kommer bli kaaaallt och äckliiiigt!
Dagens Skolor.
Kan inte ens tänka klart! TÄNK så fryser vi ihjäl? Liksom då får skolan stå för det.
Im not paying my own death bitch. Hell to the no!
Och nu tänkte ni er väll nåt större för min lilla ''Comeback''
Eller ja...comeback & Comeback..har bara tagit lite smått ledigt från min lilla kära bloggis!
Sånt är livet´! ZZZZzzzzzz
Slänger in en Tumblr. Like it or not I LAUGHTED SO HARD.

Blogg arkiven!